nervenet are proud to announce the winning of a new website design and hosting contract for a national charity. We are currently working on the new design of the website whilst taking over the current website, providing their hosting and email.

UK Primary Immune-deficiency Patient Support provide support for sufferers of Primary Antibody Deficiency and other primary immune deficiencies in the UK, through provision of support, education and practical advice.


We've just completed a branding project as well as designed and delivered a brand new website for a start up marketing company - The Marketing Bus.
The client brief was to come up with some logo ideas based on their name, we come up with a few options before focusing on the final design. Mixed with Grey, the vibrant Green is catchy and noticeable.
The website is a simple site to start, using WordPress to give the business the functionality to update their own site.

website: The Marketing Bus

Have a look at our services page to see what we can do

New Business cards for Bonnets and Bags, Couture Millinery, based in Lower Brailes near Banbury.
We also designed and built their website as well as host it

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is key to improving the rating of your website on search engines.

Recently we were recommended by one of our clients - Squareye Television to DCA Equipment. A new website had been built for them by another company. However there rankings on search engines was pretty much non-existent. After an initial meeting, we produced them a report detailing the issues and how we could fix them. DCA equipment agreed with our findings and commissioned us to improve their SEO ranking.

The numbers speak for themselves it went from mostly 0 (zero) impressions to 11,815 impressions with in a 4-6 week period. We not only added relevant keywords, we included the use of landing pages. Keyword specific pages that are primary targets for a particular search phrase. In some instances we are now seeing DCA Equipment listed several times for certain keyword searches.

If you need help with your project

...or want to know more about how we can support your business needs,
please contact us for a chat. 01295 236 366, fill in the contact form below or find us on Facebook
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