Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is key to improving the rating of your website on search engines.

Recently we were recommended by one of our clients - Squareye Television to DCA Equipment. A new website had been built for them by another company. However there rankings on search engines was pretty much non-existent. After an initial meeting, we produced them a report detailing the issues and how we could fix them. DCA equipment agreed with our findings and commissioned us to improve their SEO ranking.

The numbers speak for themselves it went from mostly 0 (zero) impressions to 11,815 impressions with in a 4-6 week period. We not only added relevant keywords, we included the use of landing pages. Keyword specific pages that are primary targets for a particular search phrase. In some instances we are now seeing DCA Equipment listed several times for certain keyword searches.

We've branded a fishing tackle company and put together a website for them. One of our fixed budget projects. To keeps costs low we used a ready made template for $60.
It's fine, does what it needs to do, but very limited.

Your best option is to go for one our custom built templates, they cost a little more, but not too much. Most of the cost is putting it altogether.

Here's the logo we've done for Bobbing Fishing Tackle.


Just incase you were wondering what HALF A TON of print looks like....

This is 2,500 brochures, designed by nervenet and sent out to print, Now have to get it organised ready for mailing out.
We have saved the client £2,000 on their normal print costs and £1,000 on the postage.
If you want to save money on your print or postage, just contact us or visit SAVEMEMONEY and fill in the details

Digital Plus Marketing is now an international brand having moved to New Zealand.
Nigel Greer has taken his business back to his homeland, but not before we rebranded the company and built him a new website. We insist all future meetings to take place at the new offices 😉

branding and logo for digital plus marketing

If you need help with your project

...or want to know more about how we can support your business needs,
please contact us for a chat. 01295 236 366, fill in the contact form below or find us on Facebook
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All rights reserved.
Contact nervenet ™ 01295 236 366
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